I have a row of camellias across the front of my house. This year they are dense with buds, and this is the first to open. It's like a promise that the rest will open and be beautiful!
My 8 year old nephew seemed to enjoy all the food I served this visit. Particularly since most of it took the form of -sticks and could be dunked in the special dunking bowl I have on hand for just such occasions. Leading me to say fishsticks, frenchtoast sticks and sausage sticks are a good thing, but dunking? It's da bomb.
Gus lives with me and Cotton, my other Golden Retriever. Which means no kids in the house. Gus feels it his duty to make the most of having an 8 year old boy visiting.
Where make the most of = sleep with, sit next to, share food with, run around in the yard with, lick, and generally adore.
1. Visiting nephew 2. Food for 8 year olds 3. Dish for sauce to dunk in (see #2) 4. Hopeful dogs, close but not too close (toss up as to if this was for food, or because they've shadowed nephew since his arrival) 5. Watching cartoons